postfix - master dead but pid file exists

Discussion in 'General' started by korbynn, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. korbynn

    korbynn Member

    Running last version of
    Postfix not running
    Doing a mail queue status produces:
    #0 db->query(SELECT data, state FROM monitor_data WHERE type = 'mailq' and server_id = 1 order by created desc) called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/] #1 db->queryOneRecord(SELECT data, state FROM monitor_data WHERE type = 'mailq' and server_id = 1 order by created desc) called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/] #2 tools_monitor->showMailq() called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/monitor/show_data.php:101] #0 db->query(SELECT created FROM monitor_data WHERE type = 'mailq' and server_id = 1 order by created desc) called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/] #1 db->queryOneRecord(SELECT created FROM monitor_data WHERE type = 'mailq' and server_id = 1 order by created desc) called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/] #2 tools_monitor->getDataTime(mailq) called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/monitor/show_data.php:102]

    Other statuses produce similar errrors.

    I have removed master.lock and the postfix files in the appropriate placess.
    There are no users on port 25
    Any thoughts on the subject please.
    Postfix has been down for about a week and just found it yesterday.
  2. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    Try starting postfix from the command line - does it start? If not, what errors to you see (in your terminal or log files)? If it does start, then you can try to find indications of why it died in mail log files (from a week ago).
  3. korbynn

    korbynn Member

    I removed sendmail from the install and now postfix is running
  4. korbynn

    korbynn Member

    As above solved the postfix issue but ispconfig is stiill spittinig out
    #0 db->query(SELECT DISTINCT type, data FROM monitor_data WHERE server_id = 1) called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/] #1 db->queryAllRecords(SELECT DISTINCT type, data FROM monitor_data WHERE server_id = 1) called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/monitor/show_sys_state.php:194] #2 _getServerState(1, localhost, 1) called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/monitor/show_sys_state.php:57]
    Server State
    and no server status, siimilar errors on the other statuses.

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