when I scan with SuperScan, it is shown that port 25 is opened and info is: "noc.homelinux.com ESMTP Postfix"
My ISP is sbb.co.yu, But I am using DNS of neobee.net It seems that those 2 emails are not accepted , forwarded to postfix on my server? nenad @ neobee.net and limitline @ neobee.net never reach inbox ------------------------ but my server uses only ISP ns.sbb.co.yu and their DNS (not the DNS from neobee - this PC where is Windows uses combined neobee DNS and sbb acess) I don't know how but this seems to be the root of the problems. Anyone else in the world can recieve emails from those two emails, except my fast-server.homelinux.com mail server? wierd ------------------------------------------------- edit: I just received my own email from limitline @ ns.sbb.co.yu so it seems that something about nenad @ neobee.net and their DNS and my ISPConfig server isn't compatible
Run Code: chmod 1777 /var/spool/mail What do you try to do here? Are you trying to send emails from nenad @ neobee.net to web1_nenad @ fast-server.homelinux.com? Or are you trying to receive emails with nenad @ neobee.net?
trying to send emails from nenad @ neobee.net to web1_nenad @ fast-server.homelinux.com But it is not so important anymore 'cos I can receive emails (as web1_nenad @ fast-server.homelinux.com user) from anyone except from nenad @ neobee.net
What's in your mail log when you try to send an email from nenad @ neobee.net to web1_nenad @ fast-server.homelinux.com?
You mean you don't see anything related to this in your maillog? This means that the mail doesn't arrive on your server at all.
Yes, exactly like that. That's happening for @ns.sbb.co.yu and @neobee.net account However, I'll ask some other users of both networks to send me emails.
(FedoraCore4 & ISPConfig) This is the Postfix program at host dhcp-87-116-137-18.cmtsns-ns.customer.sbb.co.yu. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below. For further assistance, please send mail to <postmaster> If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from the attached returned message. The Postfix program <[email protected]> (expanded from <[email protected]>): mail for dhcp-87-116-137-18.cmtsns-ns.customer.sbb.co.yu loops back to myself <[email protected]> (expanded from <[email protected]>): mail for dhcp-87-116-137-18.cmtsns-ns.customer.sbb.co.yu loops back to myself
Why this works only until reboot? echo server1.example.com > /etc/hostname /bin/hostname -F /etc/hostname Every time after the reboot hostname was set to back localhost.localdomain ? But once when I set it up using webmin it was not "renamed" after reboot
Please add dhcp-87-116-137-18.cmtsns-ns.customer.sbb.co.yu at the end of /etc/postfix/local-host-names and restart Postfix.
Actually the problem with postfix was because hostname was set to: localhost.localdomain But once when I set it up to web-hosting-solutions.biz using webmin it was not "renamed" after reboot and postfix is now working flawless. The question is why when I used: echo server1.example.com > /etc/hostname /bin/hostname -F /etc/hostname every time after the reboot hostname was set to back to: localhost.localdomain back ? ---------------------------------- My /etc/postfix/local-host-names looks now: localhost web-hosting-solutions.biz localhost.web-hosting-solutions.biz localhost.biz www.web-hosting-solutions.biz www.neoplanta.com neoplanta.com
I'd append localhost.localdomain to /etc/postfix/local-host-names (in case your hostname switches back to localhost.localdomain again).
New installation of Fedora Core4 & ISPConfig 2.2.1 The question is why when I use: echo web-hosting-solutions.biz > /etc/hostname /bin/hostname -F /etc/hostname every time after the reboot hostname was set to back to: server1.web-hosting-solutions.biz (as chosen during installation of ISP) ? What causes hostname to be set to "server1"?
This was really educational... Oh, well... man says: FILES /etc/hosts /etc/sysconfig/network NOTE Note that hostname doesnât change anything permanently. After reboot original names from /etc/hosts are used again. So, I found it in /etc/hosts And I changed it (deleted Server1). # Do not remove the following line, or various programs # that require network functionality will fail. web-hosting-solutions.biz localhost.localdomain localhost And after reboot it is here again!! server1.web-hosting-solutions.biz ???
Webmin can fix this. I done that many times. But this time I DIDN'T installed webmin. I wanted to do in manually. Here is solution (For Fedora): haostname is saved in the file /etc/sysconfig/network, NETWORKING=yes HOSTNAME=server1.web-hosting-solutions.biz GATEWAY= edit the: HOSTNAME=web-hosting-solutions.biz this will be available even after a reboot.
Now, I set up Debian system. The question is: 1. how to get rid of server2.web-hosting-solutions.biz ? 2. how to get rid of: ---------------------------------------- Return-Path: <[email protected]> X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.0 (2005-09-13) on web-hosting-solutions.biz X-Spam-Level: * X-Spam-Status: No, score=1.3 required=5.0 tests=HTML_MESSAGE,MISSING_SUBJECT autolearn=no version=3.1.0 X-Original-To: [email protected] Delivered-To: web3_nenad@server2.web-hosting-solutions.biz Received: from nf-out-0910.google.com (nproxy.gmail.com []) by web-hosting-solutions.biz (Postfix) with ESMTP id E46F6116FB7 for <[email protected]>; Wed, 3 May 2006 03:40:45 +0200 (CEST) Received: by nf-out-0910.google.com with SMTP id m18so516nfc for <[email protected]>; Tue, 02 May 2006 18:40:45 -0700 (PDT) -------------------------------------------------- I need just: nenad@web-hosting-solutions.biz I don't waht that "Server2" and "web3_" to appear anywhere. I tried to setup in uebimiau. I tried to setup in every possible location for setting hostname: network, postfix, Vhosts... I checked with: uname -n hostname -a hostname -s hostname -d hostname -f hostname and server2 appears nowhere. But I need it in /etc/postfix/local-host-names Without it it won't receive emails..?