hello all , i've noticed that the standard postfix configuration on ISPc3 route all emails via relayhost , also the rejected ones . Is it possibile to prevent rejects via relayhost ? too many days that I'm banging head on this
ISPConfig does not configure a realyhost at all. If your server has a realyhost set in main.cf, then it does not come from ispconfig. The default relayhost setting on a clean ispconfig is: relayhost = in /etc/postfix/main.cf
hello till , i've not explaind well what i mean . let me try to do it better . On my mail ispconfig mailserver i recieve emails ok , some of them are infected or spams . the standard polivy is to reject spam and virus so postfix send email to sender . Now the rejected emails are forwarded to the relay host non "jailed" in the session on the incoming interface, so the bounced mails are resent back from mx IP not from the relayhost .
The standard poliicy in ispconfig just marks spam emails in the header, please see policy settings, emails were never bounced back to the sender. If you altered the standard policy to bounce emails, then undo this change and set it to mark spam.