postfix setup ok but extension needed

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by hotchilli, Jun 30, 2006.

  1. hotchilli

    hotchilli New Member

    I am trying to set up something called a mail2news gateway with postfix.

    I almost know what to do but just need a little push to finish off the mail2news setup.

    In the details below it tells how it is done:

    >If the gateway is going to provide functionality for munging From addresses, the >following aliases must be added to the mail aliases file.

    >mail2news_nospam: mail2news
    >mail2news_munge: mail2news

    So for example say my user name is hotchilli
    and mail is [email protected]

    So in the mail aliases file I just add the lines:

    mail2news_nospam: hotchilli?
    mail2news_munge: hotchilli?

    and which aliases file/
    /etc/aliases or

    so pepole can send mail via [email protected]
    and [email protected]

    Last edited: Jun 30, 2006
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    As far as I understand, you must put

    mail2news_nospam: mail2news
    mail2news_munge: mail2news
    (without replacing anything!) into /etc/aliases and then run
    and restart Postfix.
  3. hotchilli

    hotchilli New Member

    postfix extensions

    In my first post of the thread i said

    I>f the gateway is going to provide functionality for munging From addresses, the >following aliases must be added to the mail aliases file.

    what I forgot to mention was another2 lines in the instructions which reads:

    >A gateway must intercept email messages destined for a special user and redirect >them to the mail2news programs. This is done using Postfix and Procmail. In the >following sections, the USER account is assumed to be mail2news.

    so with this information can i assume that the line into /etc/aliases would be

    mail2news_nospam: hotchilli?
    mail2news_munge: hotchilli?

    (assuming the user name to be hotchilli)

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, that's right. :)

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