Postfix SMTP Auth Configuration

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by kisong, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. kisong

    kisong New Member

    Where do I set the settings for SMTP Auth for POSTFIX?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Which distribution do you use?
  3. kisong

    kisong New Member

    Fedora Core 4

  4. kisong

    kisong New Member

    Basically, I want to be able to send SMTP requests (emails) from to any domain without having to use the username/password combo (SMTP Auth).

    It is because I have a LISTSERV setup that apparently doesn't allow me to use SMTP Auth

  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  6. kisong

    kisong New Member

    What i'm trying to do is use the mynetworks setting to allow SMTP connections from my block of IP Addresses ( through

    Do I have to do this in CIDR format? If so, what would be the exact CIDR I would use?

  7. kisong

    kisong New Member

    Found out what the problem was:

    I needed to put in my internal IP address mynetwork settings ...

    Thanks everyone!


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