postfix wont send on failover ip

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by babydunk, Jun 9, 2016.

  1. babydunk

    babydunk Member

    didnt you my latest messages??
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The firewall can not delete any websites and the post about custom bastille scripts does not contain a command to delete something. Mots likely you run any other commands accidently, you can e.g. check your bash history for the last typed commands.
  3. babydunk

    babydunk Member

    here is my hostory right back to when you asked me input iptables -L . i know all my websites were working then.

    i dont see anything . i may have bee hacked then?

    i see that this doesnt list service commands :confused:
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    History is fine. Check the content of the script, maybe something odd is in there as it gets executed at boot time when the firewall starts.
  5. babydunk

    babydunk Member

    all my backups are gone also /var/backup dir empty :( i think i have been hacked very strange this
  6. babydunk

    babydunk Member

    this is whats in /etc/Bastille/firewall.d
    /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp --dport 25 -j SNAT --to-source xx.xx.xx.xx
    nothing strange or out of the ordinary :(
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That's very strange indeed :( You should check the server with rkhunter.
  8. babydunk

    babydunk Member

    hi Till

    i done a complete server reinstall . still in the process of setting up. i started long before i seen your message . but im torn either i got hacked or since i was using the 3.1 beta maybe their was a glitch and it deleted my websites . i found my backups they were in /home.they were a week or so old but atleast im not starting from scratch again

    i will be sticking with ispconfig un til the new 3.1 stable comes out . oooh how i loved using the new upgrade lol but better being safe, as you's always say dont use it on a working setup. i just couldnt wait lol

    but if i was hacked i have change everything so its all new, nothing left from before. all passwords changed and made even more complex. its hard keeping it all in one brain . well atleast mine anyway lmao

    As to the orginal post .
    my mail is now all being routed through the desired ip as per this

    and it is loaded every reboot by this

    thanks for all your help Till

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