Pre-defined emails within ISPConfig.

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Hans, Mar 5, 2006.

  1. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    In ISPConfig it is possible to define emails with variables for:


    1) Salutatory Email for Clients
    2) Salutatory Email for Resellers
    3) Web Site Suspension Notification (Traffic Exceedance)
    4) Traffic Exceedance Notification
    5) Reseller Suspension Notification (Traffic Exceedance)

    For each item (1 -5) there are mentioned differerent variables which i can use within these pre-defined emails.

    I want to know if it is possible to use a variable from other items within item 1 ?
    So, for example, i can create the line:

    Dear %%%FIRST_NAME%%% %%%LAST_NAME%%%,
    Welcome to your %%%FQDN%%%.

    You can login into your controlpanel at %%%CP%%%.
    Your login username is: %%%USER%%%
    Your password is: %%%PASSWORD%%%
    ...and so on and so on...

    I have this question because the examples and layout within ISPConfig suggests that i only can use the variables mentioned for item 1 for use only within the predefined email according item 1. And the variables mentioned for item 2 for use only within the predefined email according item 2. And so on.

    Please let me know how to.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    That's right, you can only use the variables that are mentioned for an item, not variables from other items.
  3. tantus

    tantus New Member

    Changes to email forms

    I just installed ISPConfig for the first time and it is fantastic! More features then I every imagined.

    I may have missed a post on this but is it possible to change the textareas in the IPSConfig pre-defined email page to provide more rows and columns? What directory is this page page located?

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The pages are rendered from document type objects, stored in the database. The only way to change these objects is to use the form editor in ISPConfig.

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