pre-populated email cell

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by 5579chase, Mar 18, 2006.

  1. 5579chase

    5579chase New Member

    I installed ispconfig using your excellent Fedora perfect installation guide. It is quite an impressive program! It appears to work well, but I have a nagging issue: the email address cell on the ISP User page is pre-populated with the address of the first user I created.

    I can create new users:

    Real Name: fred flintstone
    email address [email protected]
    username: fred
    password: flint

    I can check mail with pop using fred / flint
    I can check mail with webmail using [email protected] / flint
    under "ISP Site" users & mail tab I see:
    User Uname Email Admin CatchAll
    fred fred flintstone fred 1 0

    However, if I click on "fred" or on "new", the cell "email" is pre-populated with corey, the first user I entered and then subsequently deleted. And the password cell has 5 stars. I have tried to delete the site and emty the recycle bin, and have restarted ispconfig and rebooted the server, but the email is always pre-populated.

    How can I remove the pre-population?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you change anything in the ISPConfig database manually?

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