Hi There, I have successfully installed ISPConfig (I have used the Perfect setup for Sarge (3.1) shown on this site), and got to the stage where I need to confirm the IP address was detected sucessfully. I have logged in and looked at the settings page, which has the default info on it, not mine and when I try to save it it does not save. Can someone point me to where is this information stored? If this is already a documented problem I appologize (I did look first) Thankyou
Ok After some further investigation, and a bit of back tracking. I remember that the database wasnt created correctly by the install script, so I (perhaps foolishly) inserted the sql file manually. I created a row in the isp_server table with a couple of columns filled in - then hit update on the settings page and that seems to have fixed that problem Sorry for posting a new thread, perhaps it can be of help to someone else.
Normally you can't create the ISPConfig database from the sql dump because the installer fills the isp_server table on the fly so I hope you filled in the correct values... Maybe this helps you: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=161