Problem when changing 'client' for web domain

Discussion in 'General' started by Stokesy, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. Stokesy

    Stokesy Member

    For a specific website (virtual host) I just changed the 'client' from blank to a new user I had setup on ISPconfig and immediately started getting open_basedir restriction warnings causing the webpages to not be served.
    I had previously set open_basedir exceptions under 'options' - these had obviously been altered automatically by ISPConfig to reflect the new site owner (client) - clients/client5/web7 but some files were still being served from the original clients/client0/web7 which of course no longer exists, plus no matter what directories I add to the open_basedir exceptions in options, I still get open_basedir warnings that break the site....

    I'm puzzled as to how I can fix this
    Many Thanks
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2015
  2. Stokesy

    Stokesy Member

    for example it is still looking for files on client0, so I have added client0 paths to openbasedir exceptions.
    I subsequently realised that of course the symlink to client0/web7 no longer exists anyway, so why are some files being attempted to be served from this non-existent location?... Here is an example of the error message:

    mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/var/www/clients/client0/web7/httpdocs/templates//main_pages/main_2column.htm) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/clients/client0/web7/httpdocs/templates//:/var/www/bsmgp/httpdocs:/var/www/clients/client0/web7/httpdocs:/var/www/clients/client0/web7/web:/var/www/clients/client5/web7/web:/var/www/clients/client5/web7/private:/var/www/clients/client5/web7/tmp:/var/www/
  3. Stokesy

    Stokesy Member

    I have got the site working again by adding a symlink from client0/web7 to client5/web7 but I think this could be flagged up as a potential bug in ISPConfig...
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Looks as if the old paths are hardcoded somewhere in the php code of your site or in the database that the site uses, so that not a bug in ispconfig as ispconfig cn and shall jot alter the php code of your website or the database contents of the website database that your cms uses.
  5. Stokesy

    Stokesy Member

    Could be caching files and then looking for them at specific location I guess - I inherited this site so I'm not sure how it does it's thing...

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