Problem with amavis

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Sked, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. Sked

    Sked New Member

    I have install opensuse 13.2 on my server, but cannot run amavis on it.
    Always i get this error:
    amavis.service - Amavisd-new Virus Scanner interface
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/amavis.service; enabled)
       Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2015-02-03 12:17:46 EST; 3min 10s ago
      Process: 1870 ExecStopPost=/usr/sbin/ stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
      Process: 1857 ExecStop=/usr/sbin/amavisd stop (code=exited, status=3)
      Process: 1854 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/amavisd start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
      Process: 1851 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/ start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
      Process: 1848 ExecStartPre=/bin/echo Starting virus-scanner (amavisd-new): (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Main PID: 1855 (code=exited, status=255)
    Feb 03 12:17:44 mail-server amavis[1855]: No decoder for       .lrz
    Feb 03 12:17:44 mail-server amavis[1855]: No decoder for       .lzo
    Feb 03 12:17:44 mail-server amavis[1855]: Using primary internal av scanner code for ClamAV-clamd
    Feb 03 12:17:44 mail-server amavis[1855]: Found secondary av scanner ClamAV-clamscan at /usr/bin/clamscan
    Feb 03 12:17:44 mail-server amavis[1855]: Deleting db files  in /var/spool/amavis/db
    Feb 03 12:17:44 mail-server amavis[1855]: Creating db in /var/spool/amavis/db/; BerkeleyDB 0.54, libdb 4.8
    Feb 03 12:17:44 mail-server amavis[1855]: (!!)TROUBLE in pre_loop_hook: config: no rules were found!  Do you need to run 'sa-update'?
    Feb 03 12:17:44 mail-server amavis[1855]: (!)_DIE: Suicide () TROUBLE in pre_loop_hook: config: no rules were found!  Do you need to run 'sa-update'?
    Feb 03 12:17:46 mail-server amavisd[1857]: The amavisd daemon is not running
    Feb 03 12:17:46 mail-server[1870]: /usr/sbin/ line 3: /etc/sysconfig/amavis: No such file or directory
    Well i have trying to go all this steps how to install Perfect server of 13.1.
    And i have problem with vi /etc/fstab part too.
    fstab is little different then in 13.1 and i hope that this dont make me problems.

  2. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Did you run sa-update?
  3. Sked

    Sked New Member

    how do i run this command?
    Sorry i never use this command if you can help me about this.
    Always i get this error:
    -bash: sa-update: command not found

    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  4. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Did you install spamassassin on your server? If no, install it or remove the sa-settings from amavis
  5. Sked

    Sked New Member

    Does i find sa-settings in amavisd.conf file?
    Or to use command.
    Please help me.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Seems as if you missed some steps or commands from perfect server guide. You have to install the spamassassin package to get that command.
  7. Sked

    Sked New Member

    Wow thank you guys its really that i mist one step.
    I am so sorry now i manage to run amavis.
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No problem at all :) Nice to know that it is working now.
  9. kings

    kings Member

    Hi Till,
    I have the same problem.
    I have Suse 13.2 after update amavis stop work.
    and give this massage:
    Oct 28 15:48:13 shvv amavis[9210]: No decoder for .lrz
    Oct 28 15:48:13 shvv amavis[9210]: No decoder for .lzo
    Oct 28 15:48:13 shvv amavis[9210]: Using primary internal av scanner code for ClamAV-clamd
    Oct 28 15:48:13 shvv amavis[9210]: Found secondary av scanner ClamAV-clamscan at /usr/bin/clamscan
    Oct 28 15:48:13 shvv amavis[9210]: Deleting db files __db.003,__db.002,__db.001,snmp.db,nanny.db,__db.
    004 in /var/spool/amavis/db
    Oct 28 15:48:13 shvv amavis[9210]: Creating db in /var/spool/amavis/db/; BerkeleyDB 0.55, libdb 4.8
    Oct 28 15:48:13 shvv amavis[9210]: (!!)TROUBLE in pre_loop_hook: config: no rules were found! Do you
    need to run 'sa-update'?
    Oct 28 15:48:13 shvv amavis[9210]: (!)_DIE: Suicide () TROUBLE in pre_loop_hook: config: no rules were
    found! Do you need to run 'sa-update'?
    Oct 28 15:48:14 shvv amavisd[9212]: The amavisd daemon is not running
    Oct 28 15:48:14 shvv[9215]: /usr/sbin/ line 3: /etc/sysconfig/amav
    is: No such file or directory

    End quote;
    after running 'sa-update' the result is te same.
    please gimme advise how to solve this problem.
    Amavis is not stable mail scanner and not give stable results against spammer.
    After every update of system i have trouble with amavis. I see that is the problem of many other users.
    Are you not change from your good ISPConfig program.
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I use amavis for more then 10 years on Debian and Ubuntu servers, it never stopped due to a update failure and I have good spam scan results. There are good reasons why we don't recommend to use opensuse as its not stable enough, if you use it anyway then you have to live with it's instability's but you should not blame amavis for the bad opensuse packages that break your install.
  11. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Check the permissions for /etc/mail
  12. kings

    kings Member

    I stay with my opinion: amavisd-new scanner is not good and he has more problems under Ubuntu and Cent OS systems: Look for more Google! Whatever! This is a meaningless dispute and not a solution to my problem.Amavis not intuitive product, but does not work well. 4-6 days since I have not worked a single spam message to my e-mail accounts. Previously, each time wondering how to fight with spammers. (Although I have fulfilled all instructions and Amavis spamasasin and postfix.I think it would be a good idea we consumers decide which of email scanners to install our own systems and whether there is at all any. I think that your team will have a few annoying problems of the same nature to solve. I think that the patches will be less. Remember the old version of ISPConfig there we had more freedom in many ways and much less your patches.! Right?
  13. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No, we don't, otherwise we would not use amavis. I explained you above why your problem is apackaging problem of opensuse and neither a problem of amavis and ispconfig and when your amavis has no filter rules due to that packaging problem then it cant detect spam off course. But as you love opensuse and prefer to blame amavis for the opensuse packaging, then feel free to do that, it will not change the facts that the .rpm packages that had the failures were not from amavis nor that amavis has no stability problems on other platforms. And that you find posts for problems about any software that is installed on millions of servers on google should be clear. Or do you want to tell me that apache, nginx, the linux kernel etc. are not working because someone had an issue installing it correctly and posted that on the internet?

    The exact opposite is the case. The old ispconfig version was a monolithic software where you could not exchange a single software or service. ISPConfig 3 is completely modular, so it supports a lot of services and the services can be switched on and off easily and you can add custom plugins if you like to extend it.

    You dont like to use amavis as you dont like it? No problem at all, just disable it:

    and install the email scanner that you want to use on your server.
  14. kings

    kings Member

    Thank you for your advice! But it would be better to write for those who do not know how and what they do, but want to learn, what are the rights of the folder in question is not it?Not a good idea to give me a link to your blog to read pages 2-6 to solve your problem! If I am a beginner and give me advice on what to do in hovtoforge. You are not useful post. I think that is not free advertising space on blogs, but mostly good free advice.!Let us preserve the character of this site to visit and yours. So we will keep all gentlemanly good tone and we're very helpful to each other.Same I have sites and blogs just 32. But never once gave here a link to any mine site. Because I think that there should be ethics in relationships and my links here will make me ever known. A pretty harmful to others. If I intrude my seats.But please forgive me for my remark, it is well-intentioned and friendly. And I have nothing personal against you. Take it as advice on how to be absolutely useful for all, not just for skiers.Once again thanks for your advice
  15. muekno

    muekno Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    had same problem after going from opensuse 13.1 to 13.2. thanks to the post above I ran 2sa-update" on the command line and did a restart on amavis. Now all seems to run fine


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