I have this on my source code, but it does not work: PHP: setlocale(LC_ALL, 'es_CL.utf8');// Do add result$clean = array();if (isset($_POST["name"]) && !empty($_POST["name"]) && ctype_alnum($_POST["name"]) && strlen($_POST["name"]) < 50) { $mysql["name"] = clean_input($_POST["name"]);} And the locale is there: Code: dan@www:~$ locale -a | grep CL es_CL.utf8 I want ctype_alnum to recognize characters like á,ó,ú, etc... is this possible? someone has done it? Thanks.
This is an alternative solution: PHP: // _ctype_alnum accepting spanish charsfunction _ctype_alnum($string){ $convert = array( "á"=>"a", "é"=>"e", "í"=>"i", "ó"=>"o", "ú"=>"u", "ñ"=>"n", "Á"=>"A", "É"=>"E", "Í"=>"I", "Ó"=>"O", "Ú"=>"U", "Ñ"=>"N" ); $string = strtr($string, $convert); return ctype_alnum($string);}