Problem with DNS on Ubuntu-Hardy 8.04

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by PatrickDickey, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. PatrickDickey

    PatrickDickey New Member

    Also, my named.conf file looks like this
    Shouldn't it look like this?
    since it's chrooted to the /var/lib/named directory? I'm basing that on a Bind9 user manual, where it says under Chroot


    Have a great day:)
  2. PatrickDickey

    PatrickDickey New Member

    Also doing an ls in the /var/run directory shows nothing by the name of It also doesn't show up in the /var/lib/named directory. There is, however, a /var/run/bind directory-- which is empty.

    So, in short, I don't have a file, at least not that I can find. Could that be part of the problem?

    Have a great day:) And sorry for all of the posts. I'm just digging around, and when I find (or can't find) something, I post the information here.

  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    To be honest, I'm running out of ideas... :(
  4. PatrickDickey

    PatrickDickey New Member

    I may just scrap the entire thing, and start fresh. I'll try it with just "local.lan" for my name and go from there. And, I'll make sure I have the right names (maybe simpler names) on all of my computers.

    Another question that you may be able to help me with though is this. I've got a laptop, which isn't going to have a static IP on it. Will BIND be able to cache it's IP address, so that I can just use it's name as well, or will I have to either a) make it a static IP or b) always search for it via IP address? Obviously the first time I try to access it, I'll have to use IP address or something.

    Have a great day:)
  5. martien

    martien New Member

    quote one of author's posts
    Just try this:
    chroot bind:bind /etc/bind/named.conf
  6. PatrickDickey

    PatrickDickey New Member

    Interesting. chroot bind:bind /etc/bind/named.conf gives me

    chroot: cannot change root directory to bind:bind: No such file or directory

    That's strange in itself. But, it obviously answers why I'm getting the errors, just not why it's saying that...

    Have a great day:)
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think he meant
    [B][COLOR="Red"]chown[/COLOR][/B] bind:bind /etc/bind/named.conf
  8. PatrickDickey

    PatrickDickey New Member

    I tried this in PuTTy, and it gave me a new prompt. So, I'm assuming that it was successful. However, trying /etc/init.d/bind9 start fails again. The curious thing is, if I go into '/var/log/syslog' I don't have anything about bind in there... Only a cron job that seems to keep running every hour. Right now, I'm performing an apt-get upgrade, so I can see if that's what's causing the cron jobs.

    Then, I'll restart the computer, relog in as root and see what is going on.

    Have a great day:)
  9. martien

    martien New Member

    Opps.. my mistake. however this fixed the problem with loading configuration, don't it?

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