I have a VPS on digitalocean so I followed many tutorials "how to" install ispconfig complete. I used many, one of them was -> "howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-14.04-apache2-php-mysql-pureftpd-bind-dovecot-ispconfig-3-p4" but the Iast I tried this one "https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-install-ispconfig3-on-an-ubuntu-14-04-server" and is running partially. Well, my only problem is the main dns isnt sending or receiving emails. Can someone help me ?
Hi Are you able to send and receive emails with webmail? A easy test if the local mailsystem works is to login to webmail with a account hosted on the server and send a email to the same address that you used to login to webmail. The email shall arrive within a minute back to your account when the local mailsystem works. If the email does not arrive, then check the mail.log as described below. - Post the error message(s) that you get in the mail log file when the problem occurs. The mail log file is in the folder /var/log/, it is named "mail.log" on Debian and Ubuntu