problem with webstructure, subdomain and htaccess

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by schmidtedv, Oct 23, 2022.

  1. schmidtedv

    schmidtedv Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi, I have a customer with a HostEurope webaccount and an unusual directory-setting (HostEurope can use different directorys for web/subdomains) that needs to get moved to a new ISPConfig Ubuntu Apache Server. My problem with it is as followed:
    The Webaccount itself is in /www
    The main Domain aaa is in /www/a with internal connections to some content in /www/b
    Then there is the subdomain bbb in /www/b with it's own .htaccess, its own database and some internal connections to /www/a
    My first thought was (I have to leave /www/a and /www/b and FollowSymlinks is globally allowed), I will just put a symlink to /www/b in /www/a as "b", but then the included .htaccess in /www/b doesn't work anymore (I guess, apache does not pick up .htaccess in an symlink-directory). Then I tried to put the htaccess-content from bbb as a directory-command in the Apache-Options-field from aaa in ISPConfig, but this doesn't work either.

    Any idea or help with this would be great...or would it just work as expected, when I would change ISPConfig to use the new "Subdomain (vhost)"-Option in future?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I would use a subdomain vhost for this.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    And it might be necessary that domain b is a vhost alias domain of domain a in case both shall share some content, if you create individual websites, then you will probably get permission errors as each website runs under its own Linux user.
  4. schmidtedv

    schmidtedv Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I activated and tried the subdomain vhost feature now. Seems to be, what I was looking for, great. Group and Owner are staying the same (as I understood your post, Till, they shouldn't or only, if I would have used the alias vhost option??), which is perfect....I only had to take care of open_basedir, so that the subdomains are able to read content in /www.

    I will test everything a bit deeper tomorrow with logins, etc.. If there is no error, this option saved me a lot of time, thanks!

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