proftpd login problem with list

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Cirox, Mar 18, 2006.

  1. Cirox

    Cirox New Member


    when i or a user log in with the ftp password, proftpd takes a while to show the directories. The login hangs on the "List" command. There is a little break up to 1 second. But there is no regularity in it. Sometimes the login process is very fast.

    I googled and tryed the command "DelayEngine = off", but after restart nothing is better.

    Whats the problem and how to solve it ?

    greetings cirox
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Have you tried both active and passive mode in your ftp client?
  3. Cirox

    Cirox New Member


    yes of course. Thats what i tried, too:

    I add the following lines and restart the ftp server


    IdentLookups off
    DelayEngine off

    thats right ?, because there was no global section .....

    but no change in the speed of directory listing.

    greetings cirox
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2006
  4. Cirox

    Cirox New Member


    :) problem solved ....

    i simply add this at /etc/proftpd.conf and restarted the server ;-) after changing the servername in /ets/hostname from to srv.

    UseReverseDNS off

    and everything works like a harm. But i takes 12 h to find out for me. At the other site /etc/hostname /hostname /etc/resolv.conf have to have the right dns settings just like bind9.

    greetings cirox

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