Hi, when i or a user log in with the ftp password, proftpd takes a while to show the directories. The login hangs on the "List" command. There is a little break up to 1 second. But there is no regularity in it. Sometimes the login process is very fast. I googled and tryed the command "DelayEngine = off", but after restart nothing is better. Whats the problem and how to solve it ? greetings cirox
Hi, yes of course. Thats what i tried, too: I add the following lines and restart the ftp server /etc/proftpd.conf: <global> IdentLookups off DelayEngine off </global> thats right ?, because there was no global section ..... but no change in the speed of directory listing. greetings cirox
Hi, problem solved .... i simply add this at /etc/proftpd.conf and restarted the server ;-) after changing the servername in /ets/hostname from srv.example.com to srv. UseReverseDNS off and everything works like a harm. But i takes 12 h to find out for me. At the other site /etc/hostname /hostname /etc/resolv.conf have to have the right dns settings just like bind9. greetings cirox