Hi all, I want my sub.domain.tld to divert to my other internal server. On my sub.domain.tld's Apache Directive box i put: <VirtualHost *:80> Servername sub.domain.tld ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / </VirtualHost> but when i try to access the site, it still showing the ISPConfig default index page. Any idea? thanks
That can't work. The content from the directives box is put into the VirtualHost section. Try putting just Code: ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / in it.
There is a huge difference. The first post is a complete vhots which you can not use while the post from @Croydon contains just the correct proxy lines like they can be added in the apache directives field in ISPConfig.
Till can you help explain me about. I understand that code from @Croydon is working. But I want to know why it worked? Because what I see they use the same one below ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse /
First, the code is nowhere the same. Code from the first post: Code: <VirtualHost *:80> Servername sub.domain.tld ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / </VirtualHost> code from @Croydon : Code: ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / as you see, the first code has 6 lines, the other one has just 3, so it's easy to see why it's not the same. So why can the first code not work: The apache web server does not support it to put a "<VirtualHost *:80>" section inside another "<VirtualHost *:80>" section. An ISPConfig website is already a virtual host, so you can not add a second virtual host inside and in addition to that, it is not necessary at all. That's why the code from @Croydon neither contains a virtualhost section nor does it contain a ServerName line as that's superfluous as well.