hello forum guru's i am trying to find a "how to" that would help me setup a pure-ftpd on suse9.2 using webmin to administer. i think i have most of the work done but i am having trouble setting the user information. i am trying to get this ftp server setup so that myself and one other person (with different user/pass and home directory) are able to ftp into my linux box and UL/DL to it. any help is greatly appreciated and welcome.
Well, I have never used pure-ftpd before, but I guess that you have to create normal system users with the command Code: useradd Afterwards the new user should be able to login usind pure-ftpd.
I followed the steps at https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial...l-pureftpd-bind-postfix-doveot-and-ispconfig/ and it worked for me