Hello, I'm currently running ISPConfig on CentOS 7.1.1503. The test script for common issues came back clean. Creation of FTP users via the ISPC control panel works as it should. However, when connecting with those credentials, I'm directed to /var/www/<site name> rather then ending up in /var/www/clients/client0/web1. Under the options tab for the FTP user, the path is set as it should. Any thoughts?
Problem found, not too sure about what caused it tho. When connecting over FTP, directory listing of /var/www/<site name> was displayed. However, symlink to actual /var/www/clients/client0/web1 containing the data could not be followed. When trying to recreate this with a test domain, everything worked as it should right away. This points to a rights issue. Running ls -la in /var/www/clients/client0/web1/ showed ispconfig as the owner for folders within. When changing ownership (recursive, since underlying folders need the correct rights as well) to web1, both the directory listing come through and files could be uploaded and removed. Issue resolved, this thread may be closed.