Questions for Mail-Relay (Mail-Routing)

Discussion in 'General' started by suther, Nov 10, 2016.

  1. suther

    suther Member

    I've seen there is a way to configure Mail-Routing (lets say to external non ISPConfig Mailserver).

    Setup is like this:
    (Please correct me if I am wrong)
    1. Create an Emailrouting (e.g. [email protected] [single Mailadress] or domain.tld [whole Domain]).
    2. Create an Relay-Recipient [Email ⇒ Global Filter ⇒ Relay Recipient] by using the same as choosed for routing (single domain, or whole domain)
    My Questions:
    If I configured like above,
    1. Must an Email-Domain added on Ispconfig
    2. Must an Email-Account / Alias added for each Adress I wish to handle for this Relay-Setup
    3. Which connection (Username, Password, SMTP, POSTFIX) have to be used for the mail-client of the Mail-Account-Owner? [Maybe if previous 1. & 2. is YES, those Mail-Settings?]
    4. How does the Target-Server (external Mailserver) have to be configured to garant access for ISPCONFIG to send and recieve mails (if previos Answer 1 - 3 is Yes).
    Hope you can clearify this Routing stuff a bit for me.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) no.
    2) no.
    3) There is no access for mail owners as the server is not responsible for the mailboxes, it just routes the mails to the target server.
  3. suther

    suther Member

    Ok, but what for do I need a mail-relay? I don't see where the benefits are for this?
    I search a way to be setup single Mail-Users of ISPconfig in a way to point them to different external servers. At the moment I only would know to point the mx-record to an external mailserver, and give the user the Connection-Data from the external server so they could setup thair mailclients to recieve and Send mails.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    A Mail relay is often used in companies, e.g. when you use an ISPConfig server in front of an internal Exchange or Notes server.

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