Quota doesn't work anymore after upgrading to jessie

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by vaio1, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. vaio1

    vaio1 Member

    Hi guys,

    ISPConfig in debug mode shows me these rows:
  2. vaio1

    vaio1 Member

  3. fbarcenas

    fbarcenas Member

    Are you sure that you just need to add: Edit /etc/fstab. Mine looks like this (I added ,usrjquota=quota.user,grpjquota=quota.group,jqfmt=vfsv0 to the partition with the mount point /)?
    Then run:
    mount -o remount /
    quotacheck -avugm
    quotaon -avug
    vaio1 likes this.

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