quotas mail vs. web

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by jmroth, Sep 18, 2005.

  1. jmroth

    jmroth New Member

    It may be interesting to have a mode where
    - mailbox quotas are considered separately and/or
    - mailboxes are not counted at all to calculate quotas.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If you use mailbox format instead of maildir, the mailbox quota is counted seperately if your web root is under /home and the /var partition has quota disabled.
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  4. jmroth

    jmroth New Member

    Well well, you probably agree when I say that the mailbox format is something one doesn't really want to use anymore nowadays. Especially since some mailboxes grow quite large it will be very inefficient and sloooow.

    One solution might be the following layout:
    instead of the unix group webX one might have the groups siteX_web and siteX_mail.
    For each user there would be 2 accounts webX_user and mailX_user where webX_user is in group siteX_web and mailX_user is in group siteX_mail.
    Everything except the mailbox is owned by webX_user:siteX_web and the mailbox itself is owned by mailX_user:siteX_mail.

    However fundamental changes like that seem unrealistic, I guess.
    What about an option to be able to set the path where the Maildir symlink for each user points to. Like that, one could point into a filesystem without quotas?

    Don't get me wrong. I like the idea of having mailbox size under control. Also I like the concept of the mailbox actually "belonging" to the user (in contrast to other setups which just generate one account for all of them (really virtual)). However, I would also like to have the flexibility to disable all of that, just in case.
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff


    This will be too confusing for most users... If you search the forums, there are a lot of posts where users are confused by the difference between ISPConfig users and system users... :(
  6. jmroth

    jmroth New Member

    Yes maybe that is true.
    I have come to think about using such a tool to make my workload less, i.e. by letting end users do most of what they want using a graphical tool.
    This however doesn't mean I would necessarily need such a tool myself. In other words, someone using this tool should in my opinion know exactly what's going on behind the scenes or just leave their fingers off of it.
    However that is a very difficult decision to take as the audience (administrators) would be quite different. Who knows... maybe I'll have some spare time myself and add an "expert" mode ;)
    Anyway I still like the idea with the Maildir symlink :)
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


    Maybe it might be a solution to use another LDA. Currently ISPConfig uses procmail and it is not easy when not impossible to make a reliable maildir quota with procmail. As far as i know, the maildrop LDA supports maildir quota. Has anybody experiences with that?
  8. jmroth

    jmroth New Member

    One quick note: it would also be cool to be able to give different traffic limits for web and mail.
    Also, one nice feature might be to have an overview over all customers with their current traffic and space usage.

    Getting back to the quotas: You probably mean Maildir++. I believe the problem here is that once the users own the maildirsize file that is used to manage quotas, it is no longer of any use. This will only work in fully virtual setups were there is one virtual user owning all the mailboxes to which the users have no access on the filesystem level. Don't take my word for final, but that is what I read so far.

  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Resellers already get that information in ISPConfig. :cool:

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