I installed ISPconfig on suse 10 (64 bit) with perfect setup. The server is online with public IP. I see my webpage but if I try ping ns1.mydomain.xxx I get "unknown host" I have 1 IP for the machine, 1 IP for NS1 and 1 IP for NS2. They are all public IP. I added these IP in network card and also in ISPconfig under Management -> Server -> Settings -> tab Server IP list In tab DNS -> Default NS1 I added my IP for ns1 (and for ns2) Under DNS Manager I created the RECORD A (hostname ns1.wadnet.org - IP address my public IP for DNS) I created the record A for ns1 and ns2 but I cannot ping ns1 neither ns2 where is my error? I need to ping ns1.mydomain.xxx and ns2.mydomain.xxx because I need to host several domain on this server, I try to register 1 domain but I failed because of this error of ns1 and ns2 Thanks
Can you post the real domain name here? I guess your ISPConfig server is not authoritative for the domain, therefore you must create the DNS records for the domain on another DNS server.
the domain is www.wadnet.org where I muste create the DNS record? I have an other server with plesk as control panel and I always created the dns record in the same server not in an other. I haven't a dns server ...
Ok, the authoritative name servers for wadnet.org are ns2.wadnet.org and wadnet.org so you must create the DNS records there. I guess one of these is running ISPconfig? Don't enter an IP address there! You must use an FQDN there.
Corrected! Now i ping ns1.wadnet.org and ns2.wadnet.org but I still am not able to register the domain.it. I get this error: "Unable to verify the A record associated to the NS server NS1.WADNET.ORG" and I get the same error at dnsreport : "No NS A records at nameservers" In DNS MANAGER for the domain wadnet.org I created A record hostname ns1.wadnet.org - IP my public IP for dns (also for ns2.wadnet.org) So I think that the required a records must be create in server setting but I don't know where .....
If you change something in DNS, it may take up to 4´8 hours until your changes where propagated to all DNS servers.
OK ... I created the A records for the domain wadnet.org in dns manager 2/3 days ago, yesterday I change only the FQDN in Server -> settings -> tab dns ... anyway, I'll wait hopeful
RESOLVED!! I find my error: I wrote in A record for the domain wadnet.org "ns1.wadnet.org" and this is wrong. I corrected the A record only ns1 and now it is all OK