Red bubble and jobqueue

Discussion in 'General' started by pkaresz11, May 23, 2021.

  1. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    For the datalog, only the highest value in the updated column matters, so it's ok if jobs were skipped. There must be either a server in the server column that does not exits anymore physically so it can't process it's jobqueue or on of the other servers fails to pick up the changes, so there must be a server in server table where updated column is lower than the max value of sys_datalog_id if the red bubble shows up.
  2. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    my case is:
    i have a master server(primary dns,web,mail and database server) and a slave server(only secondary,mirrored dns server).
    I wont to set ipv6 address for the secondary in the server ip menu but i noticed false configured and configured again and again (maybe to quick) it wasn't a good idea.
    the sysdatalog id is now the same with the server/updated column (serverid: 1)
    when i set it up back to with the same value as the datalogid with this actions, the jobs starts to run but stop by these unsuccesfully actions.
    all other function work, i tried
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If there are any unsuccessful actions, then you can see in debug output what these actions are and why they fail to fix them.
  4. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    sorry,i forgot to tell,the jobs are processed. but the cron shows the jobs
    Last edited: May 25, 2021
  5. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    red bubble is still displayed and jobqueue full
  6. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    red bubble is still displayed and jobqueue full

    Attached Files:

  7. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    check the job-queue for the outstanding tasks (monitor -> show jobqueue) to identify the server.
  8. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    it's the secondary server. (in the jobsqueue)
  9. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    so the 2nd server can not read the data from the master or update some data on the master.
    you can compare the updated-value from the master and slave server (dbispconfig.server)
  10. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    the table 'sysdata_log' on the slave server is empty.
    the updated value(server table) is the same
  11. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    That is normal, a slave server works through tasks in the sys_datalog table directly in the master's database.
  12. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    i see the jobs are precessed but the jobsqueue and red bubble doesn't disappear.what can i do?
  13. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The exect same job gets processed again and again? or other jobs get processed?
  14. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    this jobs cannot be processed again because i delete the 2.server ip finally. when i try to add the2.server ip again,this job is pending in the admin panel(jobsqueue and red bubble) but in the database are the jobs updated
  15. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

  16. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    all jobs with servers are pending but only in notification. in the database are updated

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  17. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The view you posted is the result of a query of the same database. maybe you looked into the wrong database? You have to check in master database, if that#s a multiserver system.
  18. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    yes,it's a multiserver system. the screenshot is from primary server(web+mail+mysql+dns) and the web interface is running on it. on the other server is running only dns service (secondary dns,it's mirrored). when i try to configure something with server ip will proceed (i'm see in database) but the notification stay displayed
  19. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Then your slave servers have probably issues connecting to the master database to update the status. Run an ispconfig update on the slave systems and choose to reconfigure permissions in the master database.
  20. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    ispconfig update ran ont he slace server but no changes

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