Hi, i have 2 Domain, one with Dashes and one without. What is the preferred way in ISPConfig to redirect one Domain to another? I whould use an Aliasdomains and make a permanent Redirect with R=301,L. Now i see that i have to choose the Parent Website, which is the actual in use website, this confused me. So have i first create an "dummy" Website for this Domain and than redirect from this, or can i use the actual Site?
You don't need a "dummy" website to perform a redirect. Say you want domain2.com to redirect to domain1.com, add an Aliasdomain with: Domain: domain2.com Parent Website: domain1.com Redirect Type: R=301,L
Hello Jesse, sorry for late reply, while i was very bussy and ill... Meanwhile i solved it like you wrote too. I choose under auto-subdomain all "*." and for SEO "no redirect". Is that correct? Another question about Redirection under Tab Redirect. Normaly there is no redirection, but in Mind of SEO and Double-Content, should i also redirect with R-301,L to "domain.tld => www.domain.tld" or vice versa. What you think?