Once again, my dooooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!! The domain I'm using to test the setup used to be on the other box. I (doh!) forgot to mark-out the domain in the domain table of the original box (usually I just change domain name from domain.tld to xdomain.tld) so of course the DNS didn't matter, it was finding the domain in the virtusertable and sending it to the account still listed on the original server! I found this when I made a new account on the maildrop box and tried to send something from the other. Error 550 user not listed in virtuser table. Where does it get virtusertable? Easy one. Tell you what I have: TWO servers with half the domains on one half on the other, and every night they send the SQL structure to the other. If one dies you load the other's structure repoint the DNS in zone and everyone works on a single server until the other's fixed. When it is, you load the structure from the other and X out the domains in the domain table for the ones it's not going to serve, and repoint the DNS. All that gets lost is mail on the dead server, and /home/vmail is too big to send back and forth regularly.