Hi, just starting out using the remote API and whilst some functions work, others dont e.g. domains_domain_get() , wants a session_id and a 'primary id' but assuming this is the server id or a domain id or a client id makes no difference I always get no result and no error.. looking through remoting.inc.php I see it requires domain.tform.php which holds information about the database query which references dbispconfig.domain table ... which in my dbispconfig database is an empty table ?? dbispconfig.web_domain has domains in it as does mail_domain but these tables are not referenced in the remote api ? what am I doing wrong ?
The functions are all working fine and none of them uses a wrong table. I guess you just mix up the functions and their purpose here. The function domains_domain_get() queries the domain limits table, it is not a function to query e.g. a website or mail domain. To get a website, use the web_* functions and for mail use the mail_* functions. Regarding primare_id: The primary_id is the primary ID column of a given table in the database. you can pas as $primary_id either the ID (integer) or an array which will then be used to search the value in the table. I explianed that in several threads in the developer forum.
thankyou ...knew I was doing something wrong and somehow totally missed the site_* functions (though I did see the mail_* ones). for anyone else ... cos I still did not get the array() thing at first ... PHP: var_dump($client->sites_web_domain_get($session_id,1));#gets all data for domain id 1var_dump($client->sites_web_domain_get($session_id,array()));#gets all data for all domainsvar_dump($client->sites_web_domain_get($session_id,array('subdomain'=>'www')));#gets all data with subdomain www