Hello there, I'm using the ISPConfig Remote API for various tasks. Everything worked fine but then suddenly I started getting errors with the API. Sometimes when I call the following code: PHP: try { //connect to ISP $options = App::getOptions()->toArray(); $client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => $options['isp_config']['info']['soap_location'], 'uri' => $options['isp_config']['info']['soap_uri'], 'trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => 1)); //get database name for the db_user if($session_id = $client->login($options['isp_config']['info']['username'], $options['isp_config']['info']['password'])) { //some tasks } $client->logout($session_id);} catch(Exception $e){ App::wdLog(print_r($e->getMessage(), 1), 'errors'); exit;} I get an exception "The login failed. Username or password wrong." After I refresh the page a few times, sometimes even 1 refresh is enough then everything works fine. So my questions is. Why does it fail first and then works later on?
Can't find any errors in the apache logs. But I'm not sure about Mysql restarts. Is there a way to check that? Also the App::getOptions()->toArray(); is getting the options from a .ini file.
The options from ispconfig are stored in nini file format i the database. Regarding mysql restarts, check the /var/log/syslog file.
Checked the logs, no Mysql restarts. Just had the same error a minute ago, no logs can be found except the "The login failed. Username or password wrong." in my log file. And again everything worked after a page refresh. Is there anything else I can check before we loose all hope? :/
I never experienced such problems on a system yet, so it must be definately solvable. maybe a connection limit from mysql is reached. try to set max_connections and max_user_connections in [mysqld] section of the mysql my.cnf file to a higher value, e.g. 500.
So far it looks like that fixed the problem. Thank you. I'll have to rewrite some code, can't really leave it on 500