Remote Framework update beta 3.1- sql and lng files fixed

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by grandpagenocide, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. vistree

    vistree Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Is it possible to create codomains ?

    Hi, is it possible to create codomains using remote user for isp2 ??
    If so, do I have to add a user wiht the rights to modify websites?

    And how to call the codamin variabe (e.g. to add and

    Thank you for your help!
    Kind regards

  2. jnsc

    jnsc rotaredoM Moderator

  3. vistree

    vistree Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi jnsc,
    thank you for your helpful link!
    Is your solution still valid on the current version of remote framework.
    And, will it still work with the new update of isp2?

    Kind regards an have a nice evening

  4. jnsc

    jnsc rotaredoM Moderator

    As the patch is for an older version of the remoting framework, it might need some manually tweeking. For the new version of ispconfig, it should not be a problem, but I can not guarantee as I did not use this patch for a long time.

    I know this is not a "ready to use" solution, but it's better than having to rewrite the entire code :)
  5. catakate

    catakate New Member

    Create SPF record

    First of all thanks for this great tool.

    The only thing I can't get to work is create a SPF Record. Compared to what it does, creating the spf by hand is a joke, but frustrating though. Can anyone please confirm if this functionality exists and which are the proper setup values?

  6. jnsc

    jnsc rotaredoM Moderator

    I just created a new package of the remoting framework.

    It includes :
    Handling of co-domains. Update, suspend, unsuspend, delete does not work yet, because it needed a change to a ISPConfig lib which I committed to svn, but you will have to wait for a new release before making use of it.

    I also update the NuSOAP lib, so you also need to upgrade your scripts (see bug #270 I released an updated example package which works with the new NuSOAP, in order to avoid problems.

    As The forum does not allow pkg upload I put them here, but Till or falko, you can put them were ever you want.
  7. shefamariam

    shefamariam New Member

    Thanks for your discussion.
  8. teves

    teves Member

    There seems to be an error in the latest remoting framework (beta4.2.2), or perhaps I got something wrong:
    when I try the example code to retrieve the client list of a reseller, it does work as long as I use the parameter 'reseller_title'.

    // Client List
    $params = array ('sid' => $session_id,
           'module' => 'kunde',
           'function' => 'kunde_list',
           'params' => array( reseller_title => 'Fancy reseller name')); 

    But when I use the 'reseller_id' parameter:
           'params' =>array( reseller_id=> 'reseller1'));
    I get a list of all clients instead of those belonging to reseller1. Bug or feature? ;-)

    Thanks, Tom
  9. jnsc

    jnsc rotaredoM Moderator

    I just created a new package of the remoting framework.

    It includes a new function which returns the username for a given email. It worked in every of my test cases, but if you encounter a problem please inform me.

    I also update the examples files.

    As The forum does not allow pkg upload I put them here, but Till or falko, you can put them were ever you want.
  10. yudohartono

    yudohartono New Member

    can anyone help me

    i use this script to add user
    // Add a User (ftp,email)
    $params = array (         'sid'        => $session_id,
    'module'         => 'web',
    'function'         => 'user_add',
    'params'        => array ( 'web_title' => '',  // web_title or web_id
    'user_username' => 'web21_uwe',
    'user_name' => 'Uwe Meier',
    'user_email' => 'uwe',
    'user_passwort' => 'rizki',
    'user_speicher' => 10,
    'user_mailquota' => 10,
    'user_shell'    => 1,
    'user_cron'    => 1,
    'user_admin' => //ftp access

    $user_id $soap_client->call('service',$params);
    $err $soap_client->getError()) die("Error: ".$err);
    but i can't use password in ftp login
  11. jnsc

    jnsc rotaredoM Moderator

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