We have just open a new lamp server at mediatemple using ubuntu LTS 10.04 and ISPconfig. We are using: ISPConfig, Version: 2.2.36, (c) ISPConfig 2010 We have: PHP Version 5.3.2 When calling remoting When I select users (for example) I get these errors: Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /var/www/web5/web/Software/Remoting/soap.lib.php on line 3702 Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /var/www/web5/web/Software/Remoting/soap.lib.php on line 3875 Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /var/www/web5/web/Software/Remoting/soap.lib.php on line 3895 Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /var/www/web5/web/Software/Remoting/soap.lib.php on line 1445 Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /var/www/web5/web/Software/Remoting/soap.lib.php on line 3875 Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /var/www/web5/web/Software/Remoting/soap.lib.php on line 3895 Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /var/www/web5/web/Software/Remoting/soap.lib.php on line 1445. I tried replacing ereg() with mb_ereg() but it didnt work. Can you please point me into the direction to correct these errors or point me to to a soap.lib.php that is compatible with php 5.3 Thanks
As far as I see, these are oly notices and not errors. Please change the error reporting mode in php.ini to report only errors and not developer notices. Basically you can use any soap library with ispconfig incl. the internal soap functions that are part of the latest php versions.
Thanks for answering on a weekend. I already have my php.ini set to: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE note: 2007 I was setting up a lamp on another server and I got remoting to work without any dificulties, but my sys admin left and I had to close the server down and move back to a grid. I jost got a new sys admin, so I'm going try again.
I have just seen that "remoting" doesn't like the password being the same as the inter-phase, so after adjusting the password, I started getting output, but the "Deprecated" word was still coming out, so to resolve this situation I have now adjusted the php.ini to: error_reporting = E_ERROR that has resolved that problem, but it means that I don't get to see other errors I might make while I am coding. Other than trying to change the commands in soap.lib.php to php5.3 compatible commands, I can't think of another or better solution. I noticed that in php6 the Deprecated functions will be removed completely, so I will presume that another soap.lib.php will be available. I would appreciate a better solution. Thank you
A mistake After getting the remoting to work correctly and then moving domains into thier correct locations the out put was as expected. But, I might have made a mistake: for example the domain being used for ISPconfig is "thegroups.com" the domain name "www.thegroups.com" was in the wrong place so I moved it to the right place and at that point the web_list stopped working. I've tried removing it and putting it back again and various other ideas, but to no avail. All the other web_lists work correctly, just one list doesnt where the "www.thegroups.com" was moved to fails. Maybe I'm adding the domains into the wrong place, are www.domain names added as a co domain?
Finished and Working All the problems I was having have been resolved! Everything is now working perfectly. Thanks for the help you provided. ISPconfig is the best.