Hi! How can i remove all userdata from an ISPConfig multiserver setup. I have a new multiserver setup and did quiet some testing in there. However after month long testing period i am close to migrate the production enviorenment to the new multiserver setup. Is there an easy way to remove all data from the new setup? Customers, Resellers Domains Webspaces, Databases, Database Users, FTP Users ... DNS Zones and Records E-Mail Data Would it be best to just delete the customers via API, this should remove all customer assosiated data right? Or should i just clear out the Tables within the database manually?
I fear that there is no easy way, deleting customers via API won't work well as the API will not remove dependent records in the way the GUI does. Either delete the customers via GUI, which should clean up things quite well, or clean the tables manually. But then you will also have to clean the 'remnants' like config files, website Linux users etc. manually on the shell.
Ouuh no... Can you give me some insights on the Migration Toolkit? When a customer on the old server exists with the same data as on the new one but the customer id differs, does the migration Toolkit still work or does it create a new customer then?
Customers (clients and Resellers) are identified by their username and not ID during migration. So as long as the username is the same, no new customer gets added.