remove c[CLIENTID] in usernames?

Discussion in 'General' started by vibrancy, May 21, 2010.

  1. vibrancy

    vibrancy Member

    Is there any way to remove the requirement for c[CLIENTID] in a username, so instead of a clients login being "c01blah" it can just be "blah" for ftp/databases?

    I am the only one that manages the ftp's and databases on my server and it is much easier for me to use the sites names or clients names for their login instead of trying to remember what their client id is and such... any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Running ISPConfig debian 5.0.4
  2. autogun

    autogun New Member

    This feature is right there, in your ISPConfig System tab.
    The least you could do is go over all the options in your ISPConfig control-panel... :p
  3. vibrancy

    vibrancy Member

    sshhhhhh, your not supposed to make me look that stupid!!! :eek: hehe thanks, I just got ispconfig3 installed, been using ispconfig2 for a few years now on another server, and of course, I was clicking through all the settings, but it gets a bit overwhelming at times! Guess I had been staring at the interface a bit too long =P Thanks!!
  4. Appie Thrasher

    Appie Thrasher Member HowtoForge Supporter

    This post is just in time..
    I am working my way through ISPConfig 3 also, and I am using version 2 also for some years now.

    So if I read it correct if I place just
    in the box i get just the name of the client and not like in ISP2 the prefix in front of it.

    That would be great!
  5. vibrancy

    vibrancy Member

    can't see why not, although I would like to find a list of all variables that are able to be passed through the system as such... is there a list floating around out there anywhere? I did a basic search but got pulled away to do something else...
  6. fbnewtz

    fbnewtz New Member

    How funny

    List of variables is specifically what I came to the site for and just happened to randomly read this post.

    I would also like to know if there is a list of variables out there because the names are getting out of hand for me.
  7. austingecko

    austingecko New Member

    Posting a screenshot of the defaults for documentation purposes as I'm changing mine as well.

    Attached Files:

  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No. As the field says, this is the prefix for FTP users. If you dont want to have a prefix, then empty the field. But be aware that it is highly recommended to not do this or you will get problems with the ftp and ssh user management later. The field can only be empty if you use ispconfig for your home server with just one website and without any clients or resellers on it.

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