Hi i have set up 2 servers running ispconfig 3. now i want to change my setup and i only need 1. are there any steps i need to do befor or after removing the second server from my multiserver setup? Eksperten
Thats not possible, the reason is that each item in ispconfig (e.g. a website) is identified by its unique ID and this ID is an auto increment and starts with 1 on a master server and also on single servers. So you have now multiple servers with website ID 1 and for that reason, you cant join the servers.
Hi thanks for your reply. But you misunderstand my question. i have now a multible server setup with 2 servers running all services (web1 and web2) web1 has the interface. i want to remove web2 and my question is are there any thing i need to do in order for it to be removed complealy? (like trust, replication or somthing) Sorry if i am not making my self clear enough.