Hi all, I've the same problem, is it possible that become to SuPHP or modsecurity2 ? Thank you for your answer
I've found the solution, it's ok when modsecurity for apache is install 1) vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf 2) search the text " SecRequestBodyLimit " 3) increase the valor after it for incoming files (for exemple 15728640 //15MB) 4) save your file 5) restart apache It work
I had the same issue. max_upload_size set at 20M max_post_upload set at 20M for both CLI and apache2 php. No mod Security. Checked all wordpress files and directives. No joy. I created a .htaccess file in the folder of the php file that was throwing the error. its total content is LimitRequestBody 20971520 (~~20M ) for me Saved, set the permissions to r,r,r and made the user the apache user. restarted Apache. Fixed. Using LimitRequestBody 0 gives you unlimited uploads. This is a handy way to override uploads for one folder and leave the rest alone. This will help avoid DOS attacks with large packets of data.