RESOLVED-Let's encrypt certs not renewing with mpm_event and ispconfig 3.2.9.p1

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by maxit, May 30, 2023.

  1. maxit

    maxit New Member

    Hi, I'm having problem renewing my LE certificates and I need some help
    I have updated my debian 9 to 10 last april 9, and update ispconfig to 3.2.9p1
    In order to activate https/2 I have deactivate php php 7.0, mpm_prefork, and activate mpm_event, after that all is working with http/2 and https with php 7.4

    Today, first site after update on 9-10 april, one LE cert expired and not auto-renew, I go to website settings and disable checkbox "Letsencrypt" and after reactivate, on website/subdir "ssl" was write copy for old file but not new files for cert.
    On /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log there are message for last april 9, where i update server but nothing about renew of today.
    I try to force ispconfig update, not change the problem.
    follow your previos discussion there is no '-le' in any of the vhost file names under /etc/apache2/sites-enabled.

    after i try:
    certbot -n renew
    and reply was
    bash: certbot: command not found

    Finally i checked
    Apr 10 02:29 999-acme.conf -> /etc/apache2/sites-available/acme.conf that appear correct
    I suppose that the problem is referred to new mpm_event but i will prefer not to back to mpm_prefork and loss https/2

    Thanks in advance for any guidance.

  2. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  3. maxit

    maxit New Member

    I have resolved follow your info.
    how can insert on subject that have resolved?
    Thanks for quickly reply.
    Have good day
  4. maxit

    maxit New Member

    --i change on resolved--
    ahrasis and till like this.

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