Hello guys, I'm trying to create a plugin that prevent remove of a specific domain no matter what happen Basically the plugin lookks like that : PHP: class admin_restriction_plugin { var $plugin_name = 'admin_restriction_plugin'; var $class_name = 'admin_restriction_plugin'; function onLoad() { global $app; $app->plugin->registerEvent('mail:mail_domain:on_before_delete', 'admin_restriction_plugin', 'before_mail_domain_delete'); $app->plugin->registerEvent('dns:dns_soa:on_before_delete', 'admin_restriction_plugin', 'before_dns_soa_delete'); } function before_mail_domain_delete($event_name, $page_form){ global $app, $conf; if(in_array($page_form->dataRecord['domain'], $conf['domain_deletion_restriction']) ) { $app->error('Opération non permise / Operation not allowed', '', true, 1); } } function before_dns_soa_delete($event_name, $page_form){ global $app, $conf; $origin = rtrim($page_form->dataRecord['origin'], ".") ; // trailling dot not needed if(in_array($origin, $conf['domain_deletion_restriction']) ) { $app->error('Opération non permise / Operation not allowed', '', true, 1); } // Records inside the zone are deleted ... not good } } Problems: Records inside a DNS zone are deleted but not the zone itself... We need to preserved the records inside the zone AND the zone The same happens for a mail domain. We need to preserve mailbox, alias, forward ... Is it possible ? Any idea how can I do that ? Regards, Cédric