RoundCube 0.2.1 package available for ISPConfig2

Discussion in 'General' started by Hans, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    On 10-03-2009 RoundCube 0.2.1 has been released, which is a bugfix release for version 0.2-stable. Based on this latest stable version, i've built a new package for ISPConfig 2. RoundCube 0.2.1 can be downloaded here. Please read the available readme file for install instructions.

    Warning: by installing this package, your previous sqlite.db will get lost.
    This means that user settings will get lost as well.

    Attached Files:

  2. make-fun

    make-fun Member

  3. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    I fixed the link. Thanks for your report :)
  4. jbravo

    jbravo Member

    Does db structure change? I've backuped up old db and restored after new version install finished. Seems works ok.

    Propably settings need to be restored too? "Diff" told me that only software version number changed in this file:)
  5. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    @Hans: Did you experience any problems? Eventhough I do not use this package but rather install it myself, as I do not wan't to run the webmail with the ispconfig's apache, I face the problem when just changing RC on the system from 0.2 stable to 0.2.1, that it always tries to authenticate via cram-md5 which fails eventhough cyrus imap is configured to accept cram-md5. Changing RC's config to use other methods seem to be ignored....
  6. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Hi Ben,
    i do no use the package myself. I do use rc 0.2.1 with MySQL for my customers. I don't have problems with authentication. Within the configuration file i've set authentication to "check" for auto detect.
  7. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    but check is not commented in the config?!
  8. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    I left the default value within the RC config file is:

    // IMAP auth type. Can be "auth" (CRAM-MD5), "plain" (PLAIN) or "check" to auto detect.
    // Optional, defaults to "check"
    $rcmail_config['imap_auth_type'] = null;

    So i've changed it to RC, used by myself:

    // IMAP auth type. Can be "auth" (CRAM-MD5), "plain" (PLAIN) or "check" to auto detect.
    // Optional, defaults to "check"
    $rcmail_config['imap_auth_type'] = check;

    When i make the package, i try to configure it as good as i can, but it is wise to verify the config file to check if everything has been configured the way you like it. There are many options for every single item, you see.

    By the way, RC is quiet stable now. One of the biggest ISPs in The Netherlands (XS4ALL) is going to use it too. :)
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  9. hambuergaer

    hambuergaer New Member

    Problem with showing mails in Roundcube 0.2.0 AND 0.2.1

    Hi there,

    I`ve got a strange problem in Rondcube with ISPConfig 2.2.30. I can view 4 or 5 mails and then Roundcube just shows a loading procedure in the top and I can not see any other mails. Did anybody have the same problem?


  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Are there any errors in the error log in /root/ispconfig/httpd/logs?
  11. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    RoundCube has it's own log file. Did you take a look at it already?
  12. hambuergaer

    hambuergaer New Member

    Yes, in /root/ispconfig/http/logs/error_log appears this:

    [Mon Mar 30 09:58:53 2009] [error] OpenSSL: error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca
    [Tue Mar 31 18:55:00 2009] [error] mod_ssl: SSL handshake failed: HTTP spoken on HTTPS port; trying to send HTML error page (OpenSSL library error follows)
    [Tue Mar 31 18:55:00 2009] [error] OpenSSL: error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request [Hint: speaking HTTP to HTTPS port!?]
    [Tue Mar 31 18:55:03 2009] [error] mod_ssl: SSL handshake failed: HTTP spoken on HTTPS port; trying to send HTML error page (OpenSSL library error follows)
    [Tue Mar 31 18:55:03 2009] [error] OpenSSL: error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request [Hint: speaking HTTP to HTTPS port!?]
    And in /root/ispconfig/http/logs/access_log are these lines:

    Code: - - [31/Mar/2009:18:57:57 +0200] "GET /roundcubemail HTTP/1.1" 301 264 - - [31/Mar/2009:18:57:58 +0200] "GET /roundcubemail/ HTTP/1.1" 200 40614 - - [31/Mar/2009:18:57:59 +0200] "GET /roundcubemail/?_task=mail&_action=getunread&_remote=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 359 - - [31/Mar/2009:18:58:07 +0200] "GET /roundcubemail/?_task=mail&_action=preview&_uid=1339&_mbox=INBOX&_framed=1 HTTP/1.1" 304 -
    These lines are in /root/ispconfig/http/logs/ssl_engine_log

    [31/Mar/2009 18:59:25 19691] [info]  Connection to child 0 established (server server.domain.tld:81, client
    [31/Mar/2009 18:59:25 19691] [info]  Seeding PRNG with 1164 bytes of entropy
    [31/Mar/2009 18:59:25 19691] [info]  Connection: Client IP:, Protocol: TLSv1, Cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
    [31/Mar/2009 18:59:25 19691] [info]  Initial (No.1) HTTPS request received for child 0 (server server.domain.tld:81)
    [31/Mar/2009 18:59:25 20311] [info]  Connection to child 1 established (server server.domain.tld:81, client
    [31/Mar/2009 18:59:25 20311] [info]  Seeding PRNG with 1164 bytes of entropy
    [31/Mar/2009 18:59:25 20311] [info]  Connection: Client IP:, Protocol: TLSv1, Cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
    [31/Mar/2009 18:59:26 20311] [info]  Initial (No.1) HTTPS request received for child 1 (server server.domain.tld:81)
    [31/Mar/2009 18:59:27 20311] [info]  Subsequent (No.2) HTTPS request received for child 1 (server server.domain.tld:81)
    [31/Mar/2009 18:59:28 20311] [info]  Subsequent (No.3) HTTPS request received for child 1 (server server.domain.tld:81)
    [31/Mar/2009 18:59:30 20311] [info]  Subsequent (No.4) HTTPS request received for child 1 (server server.domain.tld:81)
    [31/Mar/2009 18:59:32 20311] [info]  Subsequent (No.5) HTTPS request received for child 1 (server server.domain.tld:81)
    [31/Mar/2009 18:59:34 20311] [info]  Subsequent (No.6) HTTPS request received for child 1 (server server.domain.tld:81)
    [31/Mar/2009 18:59:35 20311] [info]  Connection to child 1 closed with standard shutdown (server server.domain.tld:81, client
    [31/Mar/2009 18:59:42 19691] [info]  Connection to child 0 closed with standard shutdown (server server.domain.tld:81, client
  13. hambuergaer

    hambuergaer New Member

    Where can I find the log?
  14. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    The RoundCube log files are in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail/logs. There are two log files:
    errors and sendmail
  15. hambuergaer

    hambuergaer New Member

    Yeah, I found the log. This is it`s content:
    [31-Mär-2009 20:51:26] PHP Warning:  include(DOMDocument.php) [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail/program/include/iniset.php on line 98
    [31-Mär-2009 20:51:26] PHP Warning:  include() [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: Failed opening 'DOMDocument.php' for inclusion (include_path='/home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail/:/home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail/program:/home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail/program/lib:/home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail/program/include:.:') in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail/program/include/iniset.php on line 98
    [31-Mär-2009 20:51:26] PHP Fatal error:  Class 'DOMDocument' not found in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail/program/lib/washtml.php on line 235
  16. jancici

    jancici New Member

    same problem here :-(

    last 4 lines from log file
    [07-apr-2009 11:38:33] PHP Fatal error:  Class 'DOMDocument' not found in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roun
    dcubemail/program/lib/washtml.php on line 235
    [07-apr-2009 11:38:40] PHP Warning:  include(DOMDocument.php) [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]
    : failed to open stream: Adres\xc3\xa1r alebo s\xc3\xbabor neexistuje in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/round
    cubemail/program/include/iniset.php on line 98
    [07-apr-2009 11:38:40] PHP Warning:  include() [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: Failed openin
    g 'DOMDocument.php' for inclusion (include_path='/home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail/:/home/admispco
    pconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail/program/include:.:') in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail/prog
    ram/include/iniset.php on line 98
    [07-apr-2009 11:38:40] PHP Fatal error:  Class 'DOMDocument' not found in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roun
    dcubemail/program/lib/washtml.php on line 235
    please, is there any solution?
    thanks for help
  17. hahni

    hahni New Member

    Hello Hans,

    I can not understand, why the problem with big mails in the preview window is not fixed.

    I know, that is is no mistake from you and your package. But there was a bug-fix for download on RoundCube-Homepage.

    Version 0.2.1 is also not useable, because the users will get an timeout or empty page, if a big mail should be shown in preview mode.

    Best regards

  18. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    I must say that i do not use the RoundCube package myself. The RoundCube package makes use of Apache 1.3 and SQLite.
    I've installed RoundCube 0.2.1, available for hundreds of users in a webspace served by Apache2 with MySQL and i must say that i don't have that problem with big emails at all.

    It seems to me that you are missing libxml2 or php-xml within your php configuration but maybe i am wrong.

    But what do you mean with "big". How may MB are that mails which are causing the problem?

    When RoundCube 0.2.2 is available of course i will create a new package again and i do hope your problem will be solved then.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2009
  19. hahni

    hahni New Member

    Hei Hans,

    There was a bugfix for this version. Mails with attachments bigger than 20 kb make problems. Changes an php.ini are not made!

    Best regards

  20. robertlouwen

    robertlouwen New Member

    @ Hans

    I have followed the tut. "Perfect server Fedora 10 ISPConfig3" at number 23 Falko explains how to install and configure Squirrelmail.

    However, I prefer roundcube so instead of "yum install squirrelmail" in did "yum install roundcubemail" and to my surprise it installed ( with a few necessary dependencies )

    But now it has to be configured with ISPConfig3 ...
    Can I safely follow your tut. RoundCube Webmail On Your ISPConfig Server Within 10 Easy Steps ?

    Out of curiosity I already tried and it returned an error "page can not be displayed" ( ofcourse ).
    Then I moved all files and directories to /var/www/html/roundcube and tried and it returned a roundcube page with "Database Error: Connection Failed"

    For the moment I will wait at number 23 of Falko's tut.

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