
Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by nveid, Jan 16, 2006.

  1. mtuser

    mtuser New Member

    I just installed roundcube new package.

    sender disappears in roundcube. nothing can be sent.

    error shows from webdeveloper extension

    Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount" code: "1" nsresult: "0x80530001 (NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR)" location: " Line: 1750"]

    log in with: webxx_xx
    server: localhost

    I installed pkg but not remove old roundcube pkg. Is this problem?
    So how can I fix it?
  2. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    About the new RoundCube package bases on version 0.1-rc1.1

    I use RoundCube, with MySQL for quiet some time now without any problems.
    It do not use the package version for ISPConfig, because, i installed it manually according my howto here:

    The packet version does not make use of MySQL but SQLite and i found out, that RoundCube with SQLite behaves different then the MySQL version.
    It looks more unstable.

    Within the RoundCube documentation is mentioned that replacing with the new version is recommended, so i do advise to remove the old RoundCube version first.

    I think the can't send problem has to do something with the database and the update proccess.
    Please also have a look here:
    (It describes exactly what happens).

    See also this ticket:
    Which tells that you can try to dump the SQLite database and do a fresh reinstall again.
    Hope that works!

    I made the new package, because of my good experience with RoundCube and because of some bugs in the older package.

    It's not my intention to cause problems but to make the package better.
    If you want to reinstall the older package again (based on the beta version), you can download it here:
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2007
  3. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Package updated again!

    Today i have posted a new package to Till by e-mail.

    I did a modification for the sqlite database.
    Everything works for me with this version! :)
    I hope it will available soon on so you can use it as well.
  4. payne

    payne New Member

    Same problem :confused: Also i noticed that this problem is only with opera ant IE,with firefox it's fine.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2007
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I just uploaded the latest package from Hans to
  6. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Information about the new built package for RoundCube 0.1-rc1.1

    To be sure, today i did some tests again with the new RoundCube package based on 0.1-rc1.1
    Everything looks fine for me on Debian Etch with ISPConfig 2.2.14.
    I am happy about this and i hope other users can confirm their good experience as well.

    It must be said that the right initialisation of the correct database is very important, otherwise problems do occur.

    For information only:
    For sqlite, RoundCube comes with two files to create the database called sqlite.db.
    The location of this database is within /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail/

    The names of the files, which where necessary to create sqlite.db are:
    1) sqlite.initial.sql
    2) sqlite.update.sql

    When i created the sqlite.db database for the RoundCube package, i used the first file sqlite.initial.sql, which is ment for a fresh new install. The other one (sqlite.update.sql) is ment for an update from an earlier version of RoundCube, but i decided not to use that one anymore. (When used the sqlite.db, created with sqlite.update.sql for a fresh new installation, RoundCube did not work as it should.)

    I realise that quiet a lot users, have installed the previous RoundCube package already and because i used sqlite.initial.sql, i think this are the best update instructions:

    Update instruction:

    Login to your server as root and perform the folowing commands:

    rm -rf /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcube*
    rm -rf /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/tools/tools/roundcube
    rm -rf /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/temp/roundcubemail

    After that login to ISPConfig.
    Goto ISP Manager > Update > URL:

    Login into RoundCube:
    Go to Tools and choose RoundCube within the structuretree within ISPConfig.

    Login at URL: http://www.anydomainatyourserver.tld:81/roundcubemail

    Happy RoundCube! :)
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2007
  7. letic

    letic New Member

    Thanks a lot Hans for your post.

    I upgraded my roundcube install today and told you I will keep you update of my testing.

    I followed your advices and removed my previous install before installing your package. The install went smoothly (I'm using the sqllite version)

    But I ran into some issues :
    1. I always have this error in the logs :
    [02-Jul-2007 12:17:49] PHP Warning: mb_convert_encoding() [<a href='function.mb-convert-encoding'>function.mb-convert-encoding</a>]: Illegal character encoding specified in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail/program/include/ on line 924

    This is merely a warning and have no consequence on roundcube functionnality (or I couldn't find any)

    2. With Iceweasel I keep returning to the login page randomly (when clicking on a message, going back to the inbox, or sometimes when doing no action at all). This is really weird and thought that it was related to this post : but this didn't seems to solve my issue. I have no problem with epiphany though...

    I will let you know if I find any other issues but so far beside the very annoying session bug the package is working fine :)

  8. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator


    About to the login page again:
    Because of the update, my favorite Opera browser had problems too.
    After removing the "visited sites" under history within the browser, everything worked as it should.
    I do not know about Firefox-like browsers, probably it helps you too to remove your old visits related to your RoundCube site.

    About your error:
    If MYSQL (utf-tables) by default using non-utf encoding to communicate with php (default-character- set is not utf-8), then roundcube is not working correctly.
    I do not know this for SQLite. Do you use a non-utf characterset?

    One more question:
    Are you sure that you also did a fresh install with my latest package?
    (I want to ask you this, because saturday 30-6-2007, i updated the package again).
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2007
  9. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    did anyboday solve the problems of having "wrong identities" in rc, e.g.
    [email protected] instead of [email protected]
    even if logging in with [email protected] as user and having virtualusertable configured?
    The problem is even if I add a new identitiy and set it as default, after a logout + login it completely disappeared... even deleting the "wrong" one does not help, cause it obviously gets recreated after relogin...
    Seems to also be over all version, cause neither the stable nor the last from svn did help...
  10. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator


    With this RoundCube package it is possible to login with the users' loginname+password across different servers.
    It is also possible to login with the users'[email protected]+password on the localhost.

    When you login for the 1st time (on localhost), with the [email protected], the www (after @) will be removed for a correct notation.
    When you login (on a different server, e.q. server1.domain.tld), with loginname+password, the result within the RoundCube identity-screen is: [email protected].

    The only modifications i made to the original RoundCube files are also mentioned within my RoundCube howto here:
  11. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    Ah great... and then the identity thing is working... nice work, thx ;)
  12. letic

    letic New Member


    Thanks again for your answer :)

    I can reproduce the issue on all Gecko based browser (even in Epiphany now) before and after removing the cache history. It's even doing it on a test pc on the first ever connection. Maybe a gecko related issue.

    Yes the locales are utf-8 on the server, don't know how sqlite is handling them though. Will need to check it out.

    Yes I installed it on the 2nd and according to Till post the package on the website was updated on the 30th

  13. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator


    What happens if you reboot your test-server and remove your browser history? Is it solved then? I will install Firefox too, to check what happens. Do you see any related issues within the RoundCube logs directory?

    In the mean time i've installed Firefox 2 as well and i must say that everything works as it should!
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2007
  14. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    RoundCube project news

    Yesterday, RoundCube 0.1-rc1 pure GPL has been released. :)
    For more information:
  15. letic

    letic New Member


    Thanks for the tip I couldn't restart the server but I restarted ISPConfig and since everything seems to be fine. Seems to be some cache issue I guess...

    Anyway I wanted to test it a bit further before reporting back to you.

    Everything seems to be working fine now.

    Thanks a lot for your contribution ! :)

  16. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Last edited: Jul 4, 2007
  17. Davide

    Davide Member

    Following Han's instructions, I've succesfully updated roundcube package (MySQL version), and almost all is working OK.

    The only problem I see is that if you login with e-mail+password, settings are not saved, and a new user and a new identity is created with each login. This make db grow with no control.
    If you log in with loginname+password, everything is OK.

    Is that a know problem or am I making something wrong?

    Thank you!
  18. radim_h

    radim_h Member

    This may help

    I had the problem with identities no saved at March when installed Roundcube.
    (but there wasn't problem with new identities creating at each login and it did not matter which way did you log into Roundcube)
    There is probably problem in MySQL structure which still wasn't fixed.

    This one helped me:

    ALTER TABLE identities ADD `html_signature` tinyint( 1 ) NOT NULL default '0';

    (log in to your phpMyAdmin, select your roundcube database, backup it first when something goes wrong and run the above query in SQL window)
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2007
  19. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    @radim_h: reagrding the problem of saving the identities, this problem was fixed for me since chaning things mentioned here:
    This worked for all Versions from SVN since 03.07. without changing / updateing the DB structure.
  20. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Last edited: Sep 14, 2007

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