RSpamd training?

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by WhitcombeRD, Nov 2, 2022.

  1. WhitcombeRD

    WhitcombeRD Member

    Still not really getting anywhere with this, more spam to multiple mailboxes today going unnoticed.
    Scoring between 0.5 and 3.29.
    Screenshot 2023-01-10 125917.png

    Screenshot 2023-01-10 125949.png

    Pretty much all have the same score, they keep coming and its not picking them up (nor i guess learning as it seems to class them as ham).

    Previous SA setup caught these all the time.
  2. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    You have to understand that there is no "allrounder" solution in fighting spam. You have to analyse and understand your mailserver, users and mails you get and adjust it to what works for you.

    Generally speaking, it might be a good idea to implement DCC into your rspamd configuration, to fight these mails way better. Have a look at and

    Have a look into this blog post to get a better understanding of rspamds configuration and default values/scoring:
    Tony Boston likes this.

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