I need to know if it is possible to use a Linux-server (Fedora 3) with SAMBA 3.10 for Mac-login (OS X 10.4.3) and force the Mac-computers to login over the network? We don't use LDAP. Thanks!
I think this is possible. But I'am not sure if an Mac OS X computer can join a SAMBA / Windows domain. But shared folder shall be no problem.
Foldersharing I can share folders between Mac (OS 9, OS X) and PC (Win 98, 2000, XP pro) on our network using both AppleShare and SMB on SAMBA. What I want to do is enable network login on the Mac's using OS X so that we can use the usernames we have created at the SAMBA-server instead of creating the users on each Mac (or - as we do for the moment - having the Mac's auto-login).