sasldb2 on Debian in chroot not updated....

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by andreaskorte, Feb 11, 2006.

  1. andreaskorte

    andreaskorte New Member


    i'm running ISPConfig V2.1.2 on a Debian 3.1 VServer

    So my problem is that i cant send e-mails though the server.

    I found out that the sasldb2 file which should be placed in the changeroot dir
    /var/spool/postfix/etc is not updated after i setup a new e-mai account at the frontend.

    If i insert the new user (e-mail account) manually with the saslpasswd2 tool, it works without any problems an i'm able to send mails...
    I changed my /etc/init.d/saslauth file like the howtos i found and set the pid and path to the chrootdir from postfix.

    How does the system work and why is no new sasldb file created if i move it away?

    What is wrong with my setup? and which files ar needed to diagnose the problem?

    thanx & regards
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig does not use sasldb at all, thats why it is not updated. You will have to configure sasl that it authenticates against linux system user accounts.

    The easiest way is if you follow the steps from the postfix with sasl from this howto:
  3. andreaskorte

    andreaskorte New Member

    My Bug Found...

    ;) Thanx Till,

    i checkend the page with the postfix setup and found my typo. There was a smptd.conf no smtpd.conf... and so it can't run!

    Now it's ok...


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