That depends on the FTP client you use and what you want to do. In a web browser, typing ftp://(server.ip)/folder/folder/ should list the content of folder/folder/ Is this what you wanted to know? Henri
You're right GJ, I forgot to explain something about the script By default, the script will create a folder for each web (web1, web2, web3, etc.) in the root folder of your FTP account This is suitable for my case but it might not be for yours. Here's a new version that allows you to define the path to the folder where you want the web folders to be created: PHP: // HENRI Version 3 set_time_limit(0); include("/root/ispconfig/scripts/lib/"); include("/root/ispconfig/scripts/lib/"); if($go_info["server"]["do_automated_backups"] != 1) die(); // Erstelle Namen für Backup Datei $backup_file_name = "backup_".date("Y_m_d",time()).".zip"; // HENRI define('FTP_SERVER', 'xxxxxx'); define('FTP_USER_NAME', 'xxxxxxx'); define('FTP_USER_PASS', 'xxxxxxxxx'); define('FTP_PATH', ''); // the path to the folder where backup files will be stored. e.g. '/my/folder' (no slash at the end) // leave it empty to store backup files in the root folder of the FTP account define('FTP_DAYS', 20); // the script will keep FTP backups this number of days. Min value is 1. // set old_backup_file_name $old_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - FTP_DAYS, date('Y')); $old_backup_file_name = 'backup_'.date('Y_m_d', $old_time).'.zip'; //~HENRI // [...] // Delete temp file exec("rm -rf $tmp_dir"); // HENRI Send file to FTP server send_backup($web_id, $backup_dir); //~HENRI } // All web site $webs = $mod->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM isp_isp_web"); if(!empty($webs)){ foreach($webs as $web){ do_backup($web['doc_id']); } } // HENRI function send_backup($web_id, $backup_dir) { global $backup_file_name, $old_backup_file_name; // Connect and login to FTP server $conn_id = @ftp_connect(FTP_SERVER); $login_result = @ftp_login($conn_id, FTP_USER_NAME, FTP_USER_PASS); if (!$conn_id || !$login_result) { echo "FTP connection failed for ".FTP_USER_NAME."!\n"; return false; } else { echo FTP_USER_NAME." connected\n"; } // Create web_dir if necessary $web_dir = FTP_PATH.'/web'.$web_id; if (@ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $web_dir)) { echo "Created $web_dir\n"; } // Upload backup $destination_file = $web_dir.'/'.$backup_file_name; $source_file = $backup_dir.'/'.$backup_file_name; $uploaded = @ftp_put($conn_id, $destination_file, $source_file, FTP_BINARY); // Display result if (!$uploaded) { echo "Failed sending $destination_file\n"; } else { echo "Successed sending $destination_file\n"; // Remove old backup $destination_file = $web_dir.'/'.$old_backup_file_name; if (@ftp_delete($conn_id, $destination_file)) { echo "Removed old backup: $destination_file\n"; } } // Close FTP connection @ftp_close($conn_id); return $uploaded; } //~HENRI In your case, you should write : PHP: define('FTP_SERVER', 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX'); // replace by the real IP define('FTP_USER_NAME', 'xxxxxxx'); define('FTP_USER_PASS', 'xxxxxxxxx'); define('FTP_PATH', '/array1/web'); // no slash at the end It should work Henri
it sure did! thanks Henri, you helped me to do exactly what i have been trying to accomplish for at least a year. your modification should make it into ispconfig3! at the very least, you should be promoted to developer, you know what your doing. thanks again
Very happy it was useful to you too Maybe this feature is already in ISPConfig3. Does somebody know? Henri