Seeking Advice on Installing ISPConfig3 on AWS LightSail

Discussion in 'General' started by Waqas Saeed, Jul 23, 2024.

  1. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Any Linux user has its own home directory, so this is not ISPConfig specific too :)
  2. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    Haha, I can't win. definitely. :)
  3. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    regionaltimeskazisajjad@debian:~/web/public$ ls -al permission.php
    ---------- 1 regionaltimeskazisajjad client4 22 Aug 16 11:45 permission.php
    regionaltimeskazisajjad@debian:~/web/public$ php permission.php
    Could not open input file: permission.php
    How come, This file works fine in the browser
    Am using the client's SSH.
    Should it be reported to the Cloud Administrator also,
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Again, it's not related to ISPConfig. User and filesystem permissions are part of the Linux Kernel, and ISPConfig has no influence on which file you can access when you manually set specific permissions. Whether you create an SSH user manually or through ISPConfig does not matter as well; it's actually the same.

    You should consider taking a Linux system admin course to learn the basics about users, filesystems, services, etc., on Linux before you start installing a server. Or just install a server using the auto installer and do not mess around with it unless you know what you are doing. I will not give you a free Linux course here just because you claim from every bit that you do not understand that its ISPConfig.
    So, permissions that you set make no sense. Also, the folder / of the site is /web/ and not /web/public/. So you either access the wrong folder or redirect the folder to another location where such a file exists and is accessible. You can calculate access for permissions yourself easily, PHP runs as web user and client group of the site, unless you disabled suexec. Apache/nginx access non-php files as a www-data user and group, like images or CSS files, that#s why the www-data user is always a member of the client group of the site.
  5. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    The path is okay! An unexpected problem Thank you for always being so helpful and kind. Indeed.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2024
  6. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    [email protected]:~$ php -v
    bash: php: command not found
    My client is experiencing issues running PHP in the terminal, while other users can use "php -v" via SSH without any problems. (jailkit enabled in ssh/sftp), I'd like to find a solution within ispconfig3.
  7. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Are you using words client and user as meaning what?
    If ssh user needs to use php command, php must be added to the jail. I think this was discussed with you recently? Or was it someone else? Anyway there are old discussions in this forum.
    If one user has php command and another does not, they have different settings in their jail.
  8. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    How to find it via ispconfig3?
    php -v works by default.
  9. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    What do you want to find?

    So it works, you do something and it stops working?
  10. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    Blog or link that can help!
    if you are using ISPConfig 3.1 (and not 3.2):

    No! Added an SSH user. Not more than that.

    /usr/bin/php -v but no luck :-(
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2024
  11. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    If you create a jailed SSH user, you must add the commands that user needs to that jail. Have you done that?
    Are you using ISPConfig 3.1? Why? I thought you just recently started with ISPConfig, so how come you have that old version? Why not updated it to 3.2?
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2024
  12. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    That's for 3.1 ispconfig (not for 3.2). That mentioned in the link.
    Am using 3.2.12p1 (latest)
    No! For PHP to run in terminal could you help? Please
  13. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Is the SSH user you are testing with created as jailed user, see what is chosen for Chroot Shell: for that user.
    What are the settings in ISPConfig Panel | System | Server config | choose your server | Jailkit-Tab. Show screenshot for example.
    What shows command run as root?
    grep "^\[php" /etc/jailkit/jk_init.ini
    What shows command run as the SSH user?
    ls -lh /usr/bin/php*
  14. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    root@debian:~# grep "^\[php" /etc/jailkit/jk_init.ini
    [email protected]:~$ ls -lh /usr/bin/php*
    ls: cannot access '/usr/bin/php*': No such file or directory
  15. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Add php to Jailkit chroot app sections. Press Save button.
    Wait for the red ball with number at top of ISPConfig panel window to disappear.
    Logout that ssh user.
    Log back in.
    Is php now available from command line?
  16. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    Yes now it works Thanks Thanks A lot :)
    [email protected]:~$ php -v
    PHP 8.2.22 (cli) (built: Aug  2 2024 16:01:44) (NTS)
    Copyright (c) The PHP Group
    Zend Engine v4.2.22, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    [email protected]:~$
    it's fine to add it in the Server Config > Server > JailKit >
    Jailkit chroot app sections : coreutils basicshell editors extendedshell netutils ssh sftp scp jk_lsh mysql-client git php
    Anyways Thanks a lot. :)
  17. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    To recover the ispconfig3 to previous state using the outside backup, does excluding these are enough?

    restic -r b2:hetznerserv-1:/ispconfig backup / --exclude /proc --exclude /sys --exclude /dev --exclude /mnt --exclude /tmp
    --exclude /run

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