Server is constantly working hard without any traffic

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by beatty_t, Feb 22, 2006.

  1. beatty_t

    beatty_t New Member

    I've setup an older box (p3, 512Mb, 20G hd) following exactly every step in the HOW TO SETUP a Web Server with Fedora Core 4. I know that FC4 is really meant to be used with newer machines, but it was / is working fine except... the 2nd day the box was running, it started working its butt off for no real apparent reason. Emails all of a sudden took 8 hours or more to be delivered into the test account I had setup in ISPConfig. The only 3 things that I could think of - that would maybe cause this, were either from Postfix's log writing, apt-get updating or someone attacking my machine (however unlikely)... So I first disconnected my connection to the internet and still had the same problem, I stopped the apt-get schedule... same story... but after I shutdown postfix voila!... the system seemed to work fine again. As I'm a newbie to running a web server on a Linux box (used XAMPP on an XP machine to put sites together for people), I need some help! What could be causing this? I need to be able to host my own sites on my own machine for various applications...
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's in the mail log (under /var/log)?
  3. beatty_t

    beatty_t New Member

    Hi Falko,

    I've been able to get into the mail log once without my PC completely freezing up. The file is huge (like 25Mb) for the 10-12 emails that I've tried sending to it! I packed up my pc last night and am moving this weekend, otherwise I'd head home (I'm at work now), boot it up and try to send you anything from it now.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No need to hurry. You can post the relevant log lines when you have them available. :)
  5. beatty_t

    beatty_t New Member

    Virus in boot sector

    I ran a scan of the entire drive with another PC using Avast for Linux. It said something about a virus detected in the boot sector... I've given that PC away since :) and fingers crossed, have everything up and running for good now. Sorry for the delay, I've moved twice since I had asked for help!

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