Hey Falko, Sorry for my ignorance and stupdity. So I tried to setup port forwarding on my router and was unable to. When I try to login into the modem with I have no options to setup it up. Even when I read some online threads with some guys who managed to do this by setting their IP Address to and then logging intot he modem with it did not work for me. I called Bell Canada and they told me that the modem I had SpeedStream 5200 did not support Port Forwarding. I mentioned that I read several articles online that said I could but they mentioned that it was a different model of the SpeedStream 5200. So I got really fed up and changed my whole network configuration. This is what I did: Setup my DLINK Router to accept the DSL connection and through DHCP dynamically assign IP's through cloning the MAC addresses to my Linux box ( and XP box ( I no longer am using 2 NIC cards on my linux machine and it is acting as a client on my network. My DLINK Routers IP address is I enabled port forwarding on my box to accept any WAN or LAN connection from Port 80 and forward it to on Port 80 (Like many other threads advised me to do). So I still got the same results I still see the bell modem status page...and I still can not ping my ip address of Bell Canada also offers a statis IP service for a little more in $$$ and I am actually considering this since maybe this might help me in the long run. The modem apparently is a newer one and does allow port forwarding (but according to many others, the current one I have not should also work). Any thoughts now since I changed my network config. I also have a linksys router. Any diff. between the two? Preferences?
When I try in my browser, I get "The connection has timed out"... So either your IP address has changed in the meantime, or your router configuration is wrong...