I added an offsite Debian 8 server slave to my multiserver setup and had no problems adding this new server to my master. I checked the dbispconfig db just out of habit and noticed the table server was missing. All the other tables seemed to be there and I had clients in the client table but no server table. I uninstalled from master and then uninstall.php at server and made sure the dbispconfig db was deleted during the uninstall. I installed and successfully joined the 3.1 master but when I checked dpispconfig the server table was not there. Checked all my other slaves and they all have a server table which contains their name. Everything seems to be working ok. The slave connects to master and communicates and I can create a website on that slave, but afraid to use this machine because its not 'right' and different then the other slaves. Is this a problem? Thanks!
ok, I can see it if I log in using a program called Sysyog which is a 3rd party MySQL administration program, but in PhpMyadmin I do not see it. Just plain weird.
phpmyadmin only shows the first 50 tables, make sure you look on the second "page" of tables for that.