Hi all, I have 2 web server under apache2. One is dedicated to ruby, second is dedicated to php. When I create (as admin) a web site on the first server, I can see also php, perl and python option. Is it possible to specify in the server config witch option are available ? (to avoid selecting a uninstalled option). For one of our customer, I need to give access to create ruby site on my first web server and php site on the second (no access to other). In the limit tab of user, it seems that I could not specify more that one server. How can I do this ? Thanks for help, Regards, Yannick
These options can only be defined on client level at the moment, so you can not remove them for a specific server. an option to have more then one default server is already implemented in git master branch and will get released as part of the 3.1 version.