Did anyone successfully managed to setup and install munin and monit with nginx and ispconfig control panel? I am trying to install and configure but no much luck on it. And on every instructions, tutorial or guide on the net there is no much of an info on nginx. However i managed to do some basic install and setup on munin but that's far from expected outcome. By using standard apt-get install munin i installed munin and configured it based on munin configuration guide. Than to be able to access munin data i edited apps.vhost file and added some lines which i can't remember right now but it was to access munin location and to protect folder with .htpasswd file. I made a password with htpasswd command. And all worked but upon nginx restart there is no more any data about munin in apps.vhost file. So i figured out to move munin static and other files inside www/apps folder and all working now. But still i can't protect it with password. So i can access munin now by inserting my server ip like http://123.456.654.321:8081/munin Since it looks like munin is working and graphs are actually updating, except when i try to see zoomed in stats. For that it looks like i didn't setup munin-cgi. And also since munin is not password protected everyone can open and see munin stats. And finally last problem that i have for now is when i setup munin address in ISPConfig control panel and when i click on link to show munin stats, ispconfig just loads empty page. For monit i just installed it and checked in terminal that it's working for now. I already wasted alot of time for this to work so i will continue on figuring out how to set them up correctly and working in ispconfig. In other hand i also wasted alot of time on figuring out by my self, so If anyone have any suggestions, guide or tutorial how to setup munin and monit it would be great to share and help out a bit.
I did setup monit sucessfully and its not that hard. Just install monit with apt-get, configure it, give it an open not used port and it will work. Monit got its own webservice, so in the config you can change everything you would like and it will run.