Hi, I have a multi-server environment, and I need to add a new node dedicated only to MariaDB services (users databases only). I'd like to bind MariaDB to a non standard port, because on same host I will have a container of MaxScale the will bind the 3306. MaxScale will do routing to old and new MariaDB databases in transparent way, so I plan to redirect clients to <MaxScale:3306> and it will forward to the current MariaDB or to the new one, based on used schema name by client connection. This way I can plan some kind of migration, and I can have a single "point of access" for data services that will hide real structure for the future (and I can also add a cluster when I will this). What is the best way to have this? The autoinstaller script has not a way to this customization it seems, is it right? May I setup Debian + MariaDB then run the installer forcing the port? It will be the same if I will install also MariaDB in docker? ISPConfig can create databases and users as if it is using a bare metal setup? Quotas? thanks!
You can use help (--help) to check if it has that as an option or if I am not mistaken, you can straight away use an interactive mode (--interactive) where you can opt at each and every step including the port for mariadb.