Should Hetzner also offer ISPConfig?

Discussion in 'General' started by falko, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. germinator

    germinator New Member

    Hello HowtoForge Community,
    I have some Hetzner-Servers and like the ISPConfig CP very much. I am going to send an email tonight addressing this and hope this will soon be happening!

  2. harrywills

    harrywills New Member

    In fact, I volunteered to Hetzner last week and decided I was tired of paying each month for panel as I did the last three years on my old server.After looking around at all liked the look of Kloxo and decided to install 64-bit, but it was a big mistake.
  3. Norman

    Norman Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Since hetzner still doesnt offer Ispconfig with their packages I'd still like to put in a small hint that there are plenty other server providers who do.
    And who also support the ISPconfig project in any way they can *cough*.
  4. zbuzanic

    zbuzanic Member

    I'm using Hetzner becouse it's the cheapest for my needs. But would love to see ISPConfig there becouse I plan to take more servers there.
  5. xaver

    xaver New Member

    i think no need, installtion is so easy.
    Who cant install it, cant update system.
  6. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

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